oxygen is no life saviour...

क्या सच में ऑक्सीजन लाइफ saviour  है?  इसका उत्तर है हाँ और  ना दोनों।  हम जानते है ऑक्सीजन जीवनदायनी है। पर क्या आप को पता है , यही ऑक्सीजन शरीर के लिए नुकसानदायक है। ऑक्सीजन जीवन के लिए आवश्यक है. परन्तु यही ऑक्सीजन फ्री रेडिकल्स (free  Radicals ) भी बनाते है। फ्री रेडिकल्स एक तरह के highly रिएक्टिव molecules होते है. जब ये molecule शरीर के cells  से interact करते है , तब ये शरीर को डैमेज करते है।  और शरीर में बीमारी और रोग पैदा करते है. क्या कभी सोचाः है कुत्ता इतना कम  क्यों जीता है?  शायद इसलिए क्यूंकि वो तेज़ सांस लेता है।  ऑक्सीजन ज़्यादा लेने की वजह से फ्री रेडिकल्स की मात्रा  उसके शरीर में ज़्यादा  बन जाते होंगे. जिससे  डैमेज और ageing  जल्दी हो जाती होगी ।
जैसा antidote हर poison के लिए होता है, वैसे ही antioxidants फ्री रेडिकल्स के लिए होते है। हमारे शरीर में ऐसे एंटीऑक्सीडेंट्स प्राकर्तिक रूप से मौजूद होते है। पर जब फ्री रेडिकल्स की मात्रा शरीर में एंटीऑक्सीडेंट्स से ज़्यादा हो  है, तब शरीर में stress produce होता है। जिसे free radical stress कहते है।
Do you know oxygen is both good and bad for the body? We know oxygen gives life to us. But do you know , that oxygen takes life too. Oxygen produces free radicles in the body. Free radicles are highly reactive molecules. When these free radicals interacts with body cells, they damages the cells. These damaged cells makes you ill and also these are the main culprit of pre mature ageing. To tackle these highly dangerous molecules, body creates antioxidants naturally. But when antioxidants becomes less in number in comparison to free radicals , this stressed the body , which is known as free radical stress.

Dwarka and Atlantis

Lost Empires

The two empires what i am referring here are not just few years old. These empires had their roots in ancient world, as far as mythological books are concerned . Here i am talking about ancient empires : The DWARKA of Indian and the ATLANTIS of Greeks. The interesting fact between these two empires is their nature of destruction. Both of them were destroyed when a high Tsunami came in the great ocean and everything in and around got lost. And the great empire lost  like as they were never there. Empires got buried deep inside the ocean and the proof of their existence came under question mark. No one from that world is alive who can claim that these two were really there. However recent archaeological survey claims that they have found Dwarka city Inside the Arabian sea. And the carbon dating points out the same age old empire of Krishna. We found some positive clues about the DWARKA, but scientists and researchers still not convinced about the ATLANTIS. They think Atlantis is just a Fabled empire. Atlantis was first mentioned in the book where the Greek Philospher Plato describes the great Empire of Atlantis in "Tameus" a Socratic dialogue written in 360 b.c. The description claimed Atlantis to be very beautiful empire. Every story has some basis. We cannot be so sure that these kingdoms were not there in past. Like every religious book has Adam and Eve, may be ancient worlds described in books are same but their names are different.

Hologram not an Unusual Technology?

I was watching television. One of the channel was telecasting a mythological serial. In the show one sage was shown doing severe penance. Suddenly lord Shiva appears before him from no where, give him boon  and blessings and then he disappeared. People used to laugh on such kind of serials and do not believe in such stories. It was like a joke for them. May be this was our inability to understand the super technology used by the Gods what we call today as "Hologram". Hologram are like a living images. They are like a photographic ghosts which seems to be moving. We have long association with this technique but realisation of the technology is more practical now. I remember, with a big bubble or boomer chewing gum a sticker used to be free. Sticker had properties like if we tilt it , the image on it changed to other character. For example image of Mickey mouse changed to minnie mouse which again changed to Mickey mouse whenever we slightly tilt the sticker. Now days with the advancement of technology Hologram seems to be more significant . We can relate now why mythological stories have examples of such technologies. It is the good way to communicate with people even if you are miles apart. Our great gods and sages were not only super souls but they were super scientists as well. The basis of hologram technology is mentioned much earlier and it was in practice at that time. Hologram technology is definitely a revolutionary science and with the advancement, it will be more evident and practical. May be then we will start respecting our great Mythology.

Tobacco injurious to Health

When we say smokeless, it means anything which involves no burning and it is not difficult for us to guess what smokeless tobacco signifies. Tobacco product which is taken orally or which involves engulfing of that particular product, categorise under smokeless tobacco. On television commercials we have seen warning that alerts about the harmful effects of cigarette smoking. But hazardous consequences of smokeless tobacco is still yet to discourage strongly. Smokeless tobacco also causes various types of cancer and diseases.

Types of Smokeless Tobacco

1) Chewing : Available in the form of loose leaves of nicotine and placed in between the cheeks and lower lips. It is usually chewed, swallowed and spitted.

2) Snuffing: snuff is either moisy or dry and it is powdered form of tobacco. It is taken orally but some people also inhales it.

Composition of Tobacco

Smokeless tobacco is equally injurious and has dangerous components like nitrosamines, radioactive substances like Polonium-210, and Aromatic Hydrocarbons.

Diseases it cause

Apart from oral cancer, oesophageal cancer and pancreatic cancers, smokeless tobacco can cause heart diseases, gum disease, and leukoplakia.

Things to be done

Tobacco consumption in any manner should be strongly discouraged. People should be educated and awared about the ill effects of tobacco. Mass media campaign, government policies and responsibilities of medical professionals and health promoters is critical in this regard.

For all those who makes fun of Hindu Mythology

Human head transplant: Reality?

Its not very usual when we get to know about the things which we often laugh at when we were kid. All those western influenced people who laughs at mythology especially Indian mythology when a God called Shiva transplant head of elephant on a human body(first Xeno transplant), has seriously need to introspect. Recent claim by Italy scientists that they may come up with technique of head transplant in coming years. It can create fresh debate over the topic 'Mythology based on science' or 'science based on mythology'! I don't know which claim is true, but i know mythology holds some truth as nothing can be written in air.  A story or folklore itself has basis and study of this story makes it MYTHOLOGY. I remember my biology teacher in school used to say lord Shiva was super physician and surgeon. For all the indians who are obsessed with western knowledge, i want to say-Stop criticising the culture we represent. We as an Indian have to look within. There is no intelligence in making fun of our history and tradition and demeaning our practices and believing false notions. If we try to figure out how it happened in past and what was the theory behind it, then surely we might explain our rich heritage which is purely scientific and logical.
So next time you read mythology don't laugh on it. Instead expand your thinking and try to find out high level science and technology behind it.



In my previous post, i mentioned about how antibiotic resistance is threatening our lives. We know antibiotic resistance is bigger challenge now. Over dependency on medicines and alteration in genetic make-up of microbes, both have bought the monstrous problem of antibiotic resistance. As of now communicable diseases were some how managed well. If we see trends in latest research, it is non communicable diseases that are taking lead in claiming live. But with new findings, antibiotic resistance can allow entry of communicable diseases from back door. Overuse of antimicrobials has pulled us back to the point where it all started. Yes, indeed we returned to the situation when we had no treatment for curing infections. This time situation is more grim as the standard drugs are failing. Superbug is reality now. So what we should do now? To tackle Antibiotic resistance, should we make Super Antibiotic or Super Drug? What we do after 50 years from now when these drugs fails too? Instead of making Super Drug, can't we concentrate on building immunity? Look at the bacterias. They shielded themselves from the effect of antibiotics. They are doing best for their survival. Can't we do same? Rather relying on suppressor drugs which suppress the activity of microbes, we should focus on immunity boosters. Anything that builds immunity must be promoted. If our immunity is strong then no bacteria can harm us. Even to the patients of Tuberculosis, Hepatitis, Dengue and many other diseases, good diet is key to get back to the normal. Many vaccines can be introduced which can prevent any such infections thereby building immunity against the diseases. 

Some Preventive measures to control antibiotic resistance
  • Never take medicines by your own
  • Always follow prescription suggested by doctor
  • Wash Hand whenever it is necessary
  • Always eat well which is hygienic
  • WHO Five Keys to Safer Food (keep clean, separate raw and cooked, cook thoroughly, keep food at safe temperatures, use safe water and raw materials)
  • Keep your environment clean
  • As a health practitioner never prescribe medicines to the patients which are not needed
  • Safer sex
  • Vaccinate animals 

Antibiotic resistance week (13th November 2017- 19th November 2017) Part 4

In a recent case of antibiotic resistance, a 70 year old woman from Nevada, USA succumbed to the infection as she was suffering from Klibsiella Pneumonia. The lady was resistant to 26 different antibiotics and finally died due to multiple organ failure. During her visit to India, she was hospitalised to different hospitals in India before she returned to her native place. In Nevada USA she was hospitalised and given private room and she remained isolated from other patients. It is still a matter of research why and how she developed Antibiotic resistance. This is not the only case where patient becoming resistant to drugs. There are several other cases particularly seen and heard commonly in Tuberculosis patient. The worsen form of tuberculosis infection is called MDR-TB meaning Multi Drug Resistant TB. There are many incidence reported where patient already affected with tuberculosis shows no improvement and become resistant to most important ist line drug of tuberculosis. Those drugs are Isoniazid & Rifampicin. In another form of MDR-TB, which is its severe type, patient becomes resistant to one more drug i.e, Fluoroquinolone and at least one of the three second line drug (Kanamycin, Capreomycin & Amikacin). This form of MDR-TB is hence called XDR-TB, meaning Xtreme Drug Resistant TB.

Short note on Superbug
The term Superbug refers for the strain of bacteria that are resistant to Several types of antibiotics. Mutations in bacterial genome can result can create strain of bacteria which shows no effect of antibiotics on them. Superbug is the result of over prescription and Overuse of the medicines.


How do bacteria become resistant to antibiotics?

What will be your reaction if someone tries to kill you? You will try various methods to protect yourself from the Assassin, right! You may wear iron shield, so that no gun or sharp object can harm you. Now think in broader sense, How human have able to survive in extreme weather conditions. Over the years human and other living beings develops such ability, ability of surviving, Adaptation. With the overuse of antibiotics, bacteria too have developed such power to cope up with antibiotics. They too have shown the ability to survive, by changing their genetic make up, so that they can resist the effect of antibiotics which is lethal for them. This is like competition, to be one among those successful living species is like continuous "tug of war", where one has to win or other has to lose. Human follies cannot be matched. They are blind folded till the time they find themselves on the verge of cataclysm. At that time they may not mind harming other beings. Antibiotic resistance resulted as we believed in medicine more than our inbuilt immunity. Of course they are life saving drugs but misuse and overuse of antibiotics/antimicrobials has put the mankind on the edge.

Now coming back to the question what are the ways by which bacteria are becoming resistant to antibiotics. Some Bacteria can neutralise the effect of Antibiotics and make them harmless. Some bacteria pump an antibiotic out of the cells before they destroy it. Some bacteria change their outer structure into a shield so that no antibiotic can injure them. Most of the times surviving bacteria becomes resistant to the antibiotic. 

Next: Few Cases of Antibiotic Resistance in recent times


In my last post i have mentioned about how a coincident discovery became so commercialised that it has now become part of our daily living. Antibiotics are overused or misused for the cause that needs no antibiotical treatment. Today we will discuss about the microbes that are present everywhere and popular among masses for their notorious activities i.e, spreading infection.

Comparison between bacteria and virus. 

Bacteria and virus both have potency of spreading infection. Bacteria are single-celled organisms found inside and outside of our bodies. However, many bacteria are actually helpful for e.g, bacteria lives in our gut. Disease causing bacteria are contagious and harmful. Examples of such are streptococcus, mycobacterium, clostridium etc. Virus on contrary, are microbes that are smaller than bacteria and cannot survive outside the host cell. 

Antibiotic or Antimicrobial?

Antibiotic is the term which is used for the drug that kills bacterial growth specifically. It has no effect on disease caused by virus. Term Antimicrobial is an umbrella term for all the microbes including virus, bacteria, fungi and parasites. It is wise to use Antimicrobial resistance for addressing Public Health emergency caused by various microbes, not bacteria in particular. 

Why are Antibiotic becoming resistant to antibiotics.

  1. Overuse or misuse of antibiotics
  2. Using antibiotics even for viral diseases like common flu
  3. Development of antibiotic resistant bacteria which nullifies the effect of antibiotic
  4. Change in genetic make up of disease causing bacteria 
  5. Resistant bacteria outnumbering the sensitive bacteria
Every time a person takes antibiotic, the sensitive bacteria are killed but there is a population of resistant bacteria that are left to grow and proliferate. The repeated use of Antibiotic make these resistant bacteria more immune to the drug and hence they increase in number.

Next post on : How do bacteria become resistant to antibiotics?


This article is the first article in the series of 5 post that i going to publish in coming week on the most discussed topic of Today i.e, "Antibiotic Resistance". In today's post i will mention about how antibiotics have became integral part of our lives. 


It was Alexander Flaming's "mold juice" that had announced the era of the antibiotic age. While returning from holiday in early September of 1928, Fleming noticed his petri dish where a blob of mold was growing. This mold was capable of killing a wide range of harmful bacteria like Streptococus, Diptheria Bacillus, Meningococus, etc. Later this wonder strain was called "Penicillium Notatum".
With the discovery of Penicillin, many other pathologists, chemists and scientists started with their own discoveries and hence created new derivatives and forms of antibiotics. Antibiotic which means "opposing life", commercialised widely in large scale. It has revolutionised the field of medicine in 20th century. Many bacterial infections are treated with the use of antibiotics. It can be given as prophylactic measures (as seen in patient with weakened immune system). Along with vaccination, antibiotics have led to the near eradication of many diseases such as Tuberculosis in developed country. But due to overuse and its nature as it acts as suppressor  of bacterial growth, has led to the major problem what we called today as Antibiotic resistance. World Health Organisation has already regarded it as a potential threat in coming future and it is happening in every part of the world. It has the potency of affecting people around the globe regardless age & country.

Next article: (part-2) comparison between bacteria and viruses. Why antibiotic should not be given in viral infections?



The first rule in medicine is 'Primum Non Nocere' - Do No Harm. Under Biomedical Waste Management rules by the Government of India, it is responsibility of every hospital, clinic, laboratory and similar setups to ensure the wellbeing of not only of the staff working in their respective establishments, but also of the public at the large.
Biomedical waste means any waste which is produced during healthcare, diagnostic tests, research or related procedures on human beings or animals conducted in hospitals, diagnostic laboratories, and clinics etc. It is far more hazardous than any other waste as it may harm, infect or injure patients, visitors and public. The most vulnerable being the ragpickers or those who are involved in manual scavenging. Biomedical waste is a danger if it is not treated or managed carefully. It is a potential pollutant which may contaminate soil, air and water.

The Government of India has promulgated the Medical Waste (Management and handling) Rules, 1998 under which the person who is responsible of medical and other establishments where such wastes are generated are held legally answerable for maintaining the conditions mentioned in rules, which have come into effect from January 1, 2003. 

Types of Biomedical waste

Biomedical waste can be divided according to its potency of spreading infection.
Harmless waste- As the name suggests, the waste which is nontoxic. For example, paper, cardboard, flowers, kitchen waste, ordinary office etc.
Infectious waste- Any waste which is likely to transmit infection through pathogenic microbe it carries. This may include used syringes, used blades and needles, swabs, dressings, laboratory samples etc.

Non-Infectious hazardous waste: It can be chemical, radioactive and pharmacological waste.

The aim and objective of biomedical waste management is to prevent harm or injury resulting from waste, to minimize its amount by reducing its volume and to ensure safe its disposal. Here are the few points regarding the waste management
  • The hospital and its premises should be kept clean.
  • Ensure the safety of public at large.
  • Reduce the amount of waste.
  • Segregation: Separate the waste and put them into different colored container according
    to the type of waste. Waste sorting is a method which makes the procedure of waste
    management less complicated. The waste is sorted under following categories
  1. Dry or Wet waste
  2. Biodegradable or Non-biodegradable waste 
Waste Treatment

Chemical disinfection: It is an important preliminary procedure before final treatment with some material. for example, contaminated sputum or pus are disinfected before being buried and autoclaved.
Deep Burial: The large uninhabited land is chosen for this process. This is a safe method for disposal of sharp objects also.
Incineration: It is the method by which solid infections, like anatomical waste, amputated limbs, and the like are exposed to very high heat until it turns into ash, which would be only about a tenth of original volume.
Autoclaving: Widely used in laboratories and clinics for treating infectious waste before disposal. Microwave: Useful method of sterilization of small volume of waste.
Liquid wastes are disinfected and neutralized before flushing into the sewer.


Medical wastes must be categorised according to the type. Sorting and segregation of waste is a key step which can be done by reducing, reusing and recycling thereby ensuring safe disposal of waste. Loose implementation of rules and lack of civic concern imposing direct threat on society. The challenge is to protect environment and health of community from the hazardous effect of biomedical wastes. 

Sacroiliac Joint Dysfunction: A quick Treatment Guide

All low back pain is not due to disc herniation only. The Sacroiliac joint dysfunction is also a leading cause of persistent low back pain. So, many of us who doesn't know much about the Sacroiliac joint, in upcoming lines of the article they will get to know. Sacroiliac comprises of two words- Sacrum & Ilium. Sacrum is fused triangular vertebra which forms the lower portion of spinal column along with coccyx. Ilium or illiac is the part of pelvic bone. The joint form with the fusion of two bony structure, sacrum and iliac is known as Sacroiliac joint. Here is the picture explaining the joint structures.
Anterior view showing sacroiliac joint

The joint dysfunction arises when there is problem in these structures. The area of pain is more likely to be in and around the joint area.
Red area in the picture representing pain area

Six exercise that may help you in relieving your pain due to sacroiliac joint function

1) Single Knee To Chest

2) Bilateral Knee To Chest

3) knee Rotation( lying on your back position)

4) Bridge

5) Cobra pose

6) Bird Dog pose( in all 4 position)

Things to remember while opting for the exercises

1) Always consult your Physio while doing such exercises, as same exercises cannot be prescribed to all patients suffering from low back pain due to different conditions.

2) If there is severe pain that is hampering your night sleeps, that means you need to go through a whole body checkup. May be beyond X- Ray.

3) If pain worsens with exercises (after 3-4 days of exercise session), discontinue the treatment.

4) Many of these exercises are not suitable for the Patient suffering from Disc Herniation or inflammation.

The Continous War

Whenever there is dispute, there is war
War of words..
War over a piece of land... 
War for showing SUPERIORITY on each other...
Why war happens? We ask each other. Why country fights with each other? We ask such questions. 
But fighting is human tendency. 
We have that self interest. The egomania to get safe first.
But when constant survival wins turned into Arrogance, then we witness Devastation. 
A man made Devastation...

Are we not fighting with nature? We cut trees, we destroyed habitat,we kill it's creatures. And then we are replied strongly by it time to time. The Earthquake or The Deluge.. Just because we cannot control nature fury, we often feel helpless when HUMANITY is strongly retaliated by much powerful Nature. But what happens when there is dare given to us by any other person.? Do we take the challenge or not? Most of the time we take the challenge. So, what make us to do that? Answer is The superiority complex. To show we are the mightiest. What make them believe that they are the most powerful? The money, the weapons, the infrastructure or the resources... Why there is race to prove SUPERIORITY? Isn't that we want people to believe the religion, the ethnicity & the heritage we belong to is superior to others. This thought is strong enough to transform a country into a radical orthodox country. This is What we see in our present day scenario. The radical mindsets wants every individual to be like them. If someone refuses to do so, they are killed or murdered. This is what we call Terrorism. 
This is what Mahmood Ghazni did to India. 

This is what Ghori, Mughals, British did to India. 
This is what orthodox Church did in Europe. 
Many more such examples...
It happened in past. 
It is happening today.

People may have changed. 

Weapons may have changed. 

But motive is still the same.
Terrorise People...




Osteoporosis can happen in any age. It's not an old age disease. This is misconception as the most critical time for building bone mass is the 'Adolescent age'.
The prevalence of osteoporosis increase markedly with age, reflecting the age related decline in bone mass. This gets aggravated by inadequate calcium and vitamin diet (especially vitamin-D), sedentary lifestyle and quest of menopause in females. Females get poor nutrition in childhood and even post pregnancy so, undernourished females eventually become osteoporotic very early. Young women, and even young girls, may also be at risk. Eating disorder such as anorexia nervosa and bulimia can in severe cases not only leaves the sufferer malnourished in terms of such as calcium, but can also lead to a decline in body functions and production of hormones such as estrogen causing menstruation to cease.

Keywords: Osteoporosis, Metabolic bone disease, Adolescent, Young Girls, Calcium intake, Female Athlete Triad.

Osteoporosis in adolescent girls

Teens may not think much about what they eat. Or what they eat today will affect them tomorrow, or twenty years from now. One long-lasting effect of nutritional imbalance during adolescence is osteoporosis. Once recognised primarily as an elderly woman's disease, osteoporosis is now being acknowledged as a partially preventable "adolescent" disease because the occurrence of osteoporosis is influenced by bone mass attained during the first three decades of life, as well as the amount of bone lost after menopause. An optimal calcium intake during adolescence, when 50 percent of adult skeletal mass is formed, decreases the risk of the crippling fractures caused by osteoporosis.

                                                                      Table 1 Showing age wise comparison between male and female calcium influence

Recent studies shows calcium supplementation in the girls of age between 12 to 16 years, produced a 14 percent increase in bone density in comparison to unsupplemented girls. For every 5 percent increase in bone density, the risk of fracture declines by 40 percent. And, by the time adolescents finish their "growth spurt" around the age of 17 to 18 years, approximately 90 percent of their adult bone mass will have been established.
However, a national survey indicates that 85 percent of adolescent females do not consume the Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA) for calcium. Many adolescent females avoid dairy products, the best source of calcium, because of the perception that all dairy products are Fat-laden foods. Other teens replace milk with regular or diet soda, unconcerned about the "Empty calories" or limited nutritional value of soda. Some teens are not aware of the serious, long-lasting implications of inadequate calcium consumption. And most do not think they may become one of the 26 million women that suffer from osteoporosis today.

                                                           Table 2 showing recommended daily allowance of calcium in different age groups

Adolescent Female Athlete Triad

Disordered Eating, Amenorrhea, and Osteoporosis
The competitive adolescent female athlete may often be at risk for developing this trio of medical disorders. The compounded effects of osteopenia (reduced bone mass), amenorrhea (loss of periods), and disordered eating can be debilitating for the female teen athlete. Despite the fact that their weight- bearing exercise acts to increase bone density, this exercise often cannot compensate for the lower estrogen levels associated with menstrual dysfunction and the resultant loss of bone. Many young female athletes may aspire to be "ultra-thin," the loss of 25 percent of total body weight causes serious physiological disturbances, like amenorrhea, which has been linked to increased stress fractures.


                                                                            Figure showing how adequate calcium intake cut down the risk of fractures

Inadequate calcium and vitamin D intake is harmful to bone health. Excessive consumption of other nutrients such as protein and sodium can decrease calcium absorption. Early menopause (<45 yr) occurring naturally or surgically (for example surgical removal of ovaries) cause estrogen deficiency which may increase chances of developing osteoporosis. Excessive use of alcohol increases the risk fractures due to both poor nutrition and increased risk of falling.

  1. Physical Medicine Rehabilitation Principle and Practice by Joel A Delisa &Bruce M. Gans (2007), published by Lippincott Williams and Wilkins, fourth edition, Chapter 58 Osteoporosis, page no.1464-1469
  2. Clinical Orthopaedics Rehabilitation,S. Brent Brotzman (2003) and Kelvin E. Wilk, Moshy publication, second edition, chapter 7 special topics, page no 530-538
  3. Clinical Sports medicine,Peter Brukner And Karim Khan with colleagues(reprinted in 2010), published by Tata McGraw Hills, part D chapter 41 Women and activity: related issue across the life span, page no.756-757
  4. Robson BE. Disordered Eating in HighSchool Dance Students,Some Practical Considerations. J Dance Med Sci 6(1): 7-13, 2002.
  5. Internet site reference
http://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/nutrition-and-healthy-eating/in-depth/calcium- supplements/art-20047097 


We are advised by the doctors that 30 mins of exercise is essential for maintaining good health. But according to recent studies if we exercise too hard, we may be more likely to get flu and cold. A team of scientist in Loughborough University says that brisk walking daily can improve your immunity. But prolonged strenuous activities like running, which needs more energy expenditure may lead to upper respiratory infections including colds, sinusitis & other flu like symptoms. 

To maintain good functioning of  a machine one need to update the machine over the time. In similar way, our immune system also need a software update for proper functioning of body. Body also gets bored with same kind of work out. So we should try to do different exercises on different day. Like on Monday we can do strenuous activities , in middle of the week we can do exercises which contain simple PT exercises or Yoga. On Sundays we can do only Meditation. 

It's always essential to perform different activities. But we prefer to stick to only on same kind of exercise. That makes us easily bored. 

Exercise adds quality in life. Remember if we had a pill that contained all benefits of physical activities, it would be the most prescribed drug in the world.


1) To Check Stroke Risk

According to America's National Stroke Association if your heart beats out of rhythm, it is more likely to have a stroke. To check for Atrial Fibrillation do the following steps:

  • Tap your foot according to the rhythm of your pulse ( place your fingers on your wrist where radial artery beats) for one minute.
  • If your foot is tapping steadily, like a clock ticking then you are ok. But if it's uneven then you need to consult doctor.

2) To check Obstructive Lung conditions

  • Light a match in a Draft free room(air free).
  • Let it burn half way.
  • Hold it six inches from your mouth.
  • Try to blow it out with your mouth open enough.
  • People with Chronic condition of lungs like obstructive diseases cannot able to do it.

3) Anaemia

"Do you Know Only 55% people with Anaemia are pale".
To check if you are iron deficient or not, follow the following steps

  • Press down your nail bed firmly.
  • Your hand should be well held above the heart.
  • If it takes more than  2 seconds for the blood to return to your nails( Return of pink coloration) after you released the pressure, it's may be a sign of anaemia.
Precaution: Your hands should not be so cold.

4) Overactive Thyroid

"If you are less than 40 years ,trembling hands can be a symptom of overactive Thyroid"

DIY test for overactive thyroid

  • Place a A4 paper on back of your outstretched hand
  • Little movement of paper is normal
  • Pronounced wobble means you can have Overactive thyroid.

5) Under active Thyroid

"Underactive thyroid slows down your reflexes"

              DIY test:

  • Sit on the edge of table so your legs move freely.
  • Tap the tendon between your kneecap and the top pf your leg bone.
  • Normal response will cause "knee jerk" leg kick immediately.
  • But if the response is delayed if the leg comes back to its former position slowly then your body is producing little thyroid hormone.
6) Stiffness in Arteries

"Simple sit and reach test is a good predictor of artery flexibility"
DIY test for stiff artery
  • Sit on the floor with your leg straight
  • Your toes should point towards the ceiling
  • Bend from your hips, stretch your arm and try to touch the toes.
  • Inability to perform the activity is an indicator that you may have stiff arteries which are the reason of many cardiovascular diseases.

7) Test for Myasthenia Grevis(fascial Muscle weakness)

"Weak eye muscle may be an indicator of early sign of a condition called Myasthenia Grevis"
DIY test for fascial muscle weakness

  • Sit comfortably on chair
  • Look upwards towards the ceiling.
  • Do NOT move your Head.
  • If you have the condition or weakness, then you wont be able to perform the task for more than a minute or two.
  • If condition is present then your eyelid will droop by own due to weakness.

Stars we see...

Look at the night sky. Is it not full of stars? Can we think how would sky look without stars? If the air is not polluted and weather is clear, without clouds, we can witness thousand of stars every night. Now imagine, one night you go out and all of a sudden sky become starless! Have you ever thought, what is the possibility of this scenario to happen in near future?

Other day, i went to a gift shop with my friend. She had to buy a gift for her Niece. She selected STAR LIGHT PROJECTOR. This unique projector has several pinholes in which led bulbs are fixed. It is like Christmas star, having bulb which scintillates the entire room, but with LED lights, it is much more beautiful. Any time you can switch the button on, projector sparkles the room with different galaxies, consisting planets and stars. Soon after, sparkling vanishes as the device is switched off. Now think, a projector invisibly far from our sight, our sky, full of stars.. Suddenly! projector is switched off. And the Result is,                                                             


10 Unknown Medical Conditions that exists without definite cause

10. Spontaneous Human Combustion

In the condition Human burst into flames without any sign of ignition or fire.

9. Morgellons Disease

A mysterious skin condition, having crawling skins and nerve fibres in oozing open wounds.

8. Moebius Syndrome

It is congenital nerve condition in which fascial nerve is not developed. That results in lack of expression and movement like smile, frown & blink etc.

7. Encephalitis Lethargica

In this condition, patient is motionless, speechless and lives like living statue.

6. Dancing Mania

It is the condition in which a person dance uncontrollably. Death occurs due to exhaustion.

5. Nodding Disease

Nodding disease is little known disease restricted to countries like Sudan, Tanzania & Uganda. Disease causes Nodding seizures in children.

4. Pica

In this, person craves for non edible materials like dirt, paper, hair etc.

3. English Sweating

First Haunted in Tudor England. Person experience cascade of sweating. Death within hours.

2. Exploding Head Sickness

Loud, banging in head. Unexplained pain, like bomb is exploding inside the head.

1. Peru Meteorite Syndrome

In 2007 meteorite fall in Peru. Soon after  Locals and scientist in Peru started vomiting and experienced Headaches.

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हम हिन्दुस्तानी

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