कलयुग मे 'संजय'

भारत मे आज कल एक नया चलन चल पड़ा है। 'open letter'। चाहे एक दूसरे को पत्र लिखने का समय मिले ना मिले, पर सार्वजनिक तौर पे पत्र लिख कर किसी व्यक्ति या समाज विशेष की भर्त्सना करना मानो एक trend सा बन गया है। जब कोई open letter किसी के लिए लिखता है तो वो letter एक time bomb की तरह काम करता है। यह open letter social media पर ज़लज़ला ला देता है।सब काम छोड़ इस पर अपने तर्क देना शुरू कर देते है।कुछ पक्ष लेते है, कुछ विपक्ष। इस तरह सब काम भूल हम अपने आप को इस फालतू की बहस मे उलझा देते है। नतीजा यह की दिन भर रात भर ये bomb हमारे पीछे लगा रहता है। और शायद हमारे गुस्से के रूप मे अपने ही लोगो पे फटता है। यहाँ तक की समाचारो मे भी बस इसी topic का ज़िक्र रहता है। खैर news channel तो कहना ही क्या है। वो तो शायद अपनी ज़िम्मेदारी ही भूल गए है। मान लो यदि संजय ने महाभारत का आंखो देखा हाल धृतराष्ट्र को मिर्च मसाला लगा कर बताया होता तो क्या संजय को ईमानदार reporter कहते? देश की जनता धृतराष्ट्र की तरह ही तो है। हम तो वो देखते है जो हमारे संजय हमे दिखाना चाहते है। हालांकि संजय पद की गरिमा शायद ही कोई रिपोटर रखता हो इस कलयुग मे। काश धृतराष्ट्र अपने ज्ञान चक्षुओं से सब कुछ समझ पाता। तब शायद किसी को किसी संजय की ज़रूरत नही पड़ती।

हम हिंदुस्तानी भी नहीं

इतिहास की किताब पढ़ते वक़्त एक रोचक तथ्य सामने आया , हिंदुस्तान तो कभी हिंदुस्तान था ही नहीं। जैसा की हम जानते है , भारत पहले सप्त सिंधु के नाम से जाना जाता था। ऐसा इस लिए क्यूंकि हमारा देश सात नदियों का देश था। और हमारे देश को इन नदियों के देश के नाम से ही जाना जाता था। ऋग वेद में वर्णित वो नदिया थी झेलम ,व्यास,चेनाब,रावी  ,  सतलुज,सिंधु और सरस्वती। असल में हम सिंधुस्तानी है। सिंधु के उस पार  वाली सभ्यता के लोग जैसे पर्शियन (आज का इराक ) आदि लोगो ने भारत के लोगो को हिंदुस्तानी कहा।  वो इसलिए ' स ' अक्षर उनकी व्याकरण में था ही नहीं। 'स'  को 'ह' बोला जाता ।  और तभी से सिंधु हिन्दू बन गयी और हम बन गए सिन्हुस्तानी मतलब हिंदुस्तानी। तभी से भारत में रहने वाले लोग हिन्दू कहलाने लगे। असल में भारत में रहने वाले लोग सनातन धर्म को मानने वाले लोग थे। सनातन ' संस्कृत का शब्द है जिसका अर्थ है अनादि (beginingless ) . सनातन धर्म प्रकृति के नियमो का पालन करता है। सनातन धर्म ईश्वर की बात करता है नाकि किसी व्यक्ति विशेष की। तो अगली बार कोई आपको हिन्दू बोले तो सोचियेगा क्या आप हिन्दू है ? या सिंधु है।

Up Above The World So Known

Aliens are not fiction anymore. Since scientists like Hawking also in a hunt to communicate with aliens of distant galaxy, it will not be amazing to have a cup of tea with extraterrestrial beings in near future. But what if they are more technologically advanced than us? "It would be too risky to make contact with alien races" once said by Stephen hawking. Then why he wants to communicate with them now? Why scientists searching alien lives when they know it may lead to destruction of human race.? Or the one who control their heads , their government and organizations, have some selfish motives behind it? How badly i need invisibility cloak of Harry Potter to find answers of all these questions :(  what if we were alien too? I mean we can be alien too. Million years ago when earth was not habitable to humans ,when other species lived on earth (Jurassic park villains), first human race ( adam-eve or aryans) came to earth when earth became habitable. May be what we are searching in outer universe are none other than is our lost race. What if these scientists know about this.? And may be due to progressive climate change earth will not be able to sustain biosphere in near future and these scientists being selective( as seen in movie 2012), want to go to the planet where other human lives. They will leave this world(earth) ,of course to live on other planet, once they build repo with alien world. So as for now mango people stand no chance. But even if earth gets doomed , humanity will survive. May be not on earth,but somewhere else.

Less Explored = More risk

Less explored place of Gujrat, Pavagarh

It was october 2nd and I wondered how destiny had chosen this day for our first ever visit to Gujrat. Last to last year in october 2014, me and my family went to the southern part of Gujrat.We selected southern Gujrat for the trip as we cannot cover entire Gujrat in one week and we wanted to go to most celebrated temples of hindu religion i.e, Somnath and Dwarkadhish which lies in this part of the westernmost state of INDIA. It was occasion of Durga Ashtami and also Mahatma Gandhi’s birthday. My family which includes my parents, and 3 sisters,took Metro from New Delhi Railway station to Aerocity. We were taking Indigo flight to Vadodra from T1 terminal and airport metro goes till T3 terminal. So we took feeder bus after reaching Aerocity to T1 terminal. It was 4 pm. We reached 3 hours before the given time. Around 6:45pm we took off from New Delhi and reached Vadodra in just 1 hr 30 mins.


We had reasons for selecting Vadodra. First, we wanted to travel in aeroplane as we had never boarded the plane before, secondly, we learnt that some hill station was also there in Vadodra named ‘Pavagarh’. And also there were no cheap flights to Rajkot. Rajkot was our next destination.We chose  Rajkot from where we could travel to Somnath , Diu and Dwarkadhish easily. We were in Vadodra for just 2 days.Vadodra airport is a small airport and one can get rickshaws or taxies easily after coming out of the airport. We took two rickshaws and soon we reached our hotel. After check in, we all retired to our rooms in group of 3 in each room. Tommorrow we were going to Pavagarh. We took non ac rooms as we thought october would be pleasant , but it was hot humid in the Gujrat. Entire night was spent under the fan. While sleeping in the room we realized we had made a mistake.
Lesson learnt : Never take Non ac rooms if you are travelling to Gujarat during September-October month.

Next day,Pavagarh,Vadodra

After spending humid night in the room, we booked ac cab for Pavagarh. It was Dusshera day. Our driver came exactly at 11 o’clock. We took the cab and started our journey to Pavagarh. We had our lunch in an ac restaurant as our driver suggested us to have it before we reach the destination. Around 12:45pm we reached Pavagadh. We saw driver parking the cab. We asked him why is he not taking us to the cliff? He answered that no cab or taxi goes to the cliff and for that we had to take bus. We shocked to hear that. Anyhow we took the bus which was horrible like any other roadways bus. After sometime we reached a point where all buses were parked. Then we came out off the bus. We walked and walked. So many people were there because it was occasion of Dusshera. We were held in a long queue for an hour. Area was unhygienic. We had to reach a point where the spot of cable cars was located. By god’s grace wefinally took the Cable car. But our journey was not ended there. We had to walk more. Then we took stairs and finally reached the spot where idol was situated. Pavagarh is not a hill station. It is like a small village on the height with lack of basic amenities. People living there are very simple. They are superstitious. Offering animal sacrifice to impress the Diety, near the temple. Also many self proclaimed Godesses were roaming in the temple premises. They were dressed like a ‘Devi’(godess). Many people were walking behind her. It was very unusual experience.Villagers runs shops and were selling handmade products like decors for home, bangles,wall hangings,ear rings etc. We took bangles and wall hanging. Anyhow we completed our journey and around 8 pm we reached our hotel. We all were tired and sleepy. We all had nausiatic feeling due to unpleasant weather. So we ate very less in dinner and soon retired to our rooms to sleep.
Lesson learnt:
1.    Never believe blindely on everything written on internet
2.  Always do homework about the place before  going there physically.

3. Never visit temples on the occasion of festivals in Gujarat

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हम हिन्दुस्तानी

युहि नही हिन्दू धर्म को महान कहा जाता है| हमारा प्राचीन इतिहास कई बार इस पर मोहर लगा चुका है। इसका कारण यह भी है कि हिन्दू धर्म दुनिया का अक...