World Hepatitis Day 28 July 2016

On World Hepatitis Day (28 July 2016), here are some important points need to be known.

1) Viral Hepatitis(Hepat + Itis) liver inflammation, is a major public health challenge. It is defined as infection of the liver caused by any of half dozen viruses .

2) Today, in addition to Hepatitis A( HAV) and Hepatitis B (HAB) viruses, C,D,E and G have also been identified.

3) Hepatitis A and Hepatitis E are caused mainly due to ingesting contaminated food and water. Mode of transmission is faecal oral route. It is rarely transmitted from parenteral route (by blood).

4) Other strain of virus i,e. Hepatitis B,C,D and G also causes Hepatitis but here mode of transmission is Parenteral or sexual.

5) Symptoms of viral hepatitis are same as any other enteric ailments. Such as fever, malaise, chills, vomiting, generalized weakness, aches, pains etc. Proper Diagnosis like liver function test (LFT), ELISA and antigen specific tests need to be done.

6) Hepatitis B is endemic throughout the world,especially in tropical and developing countries and also in some region of Europe. HBV is a global problem.

7) In Hepatitis B  contaminated blood is the main source of infection, although the virus has been found in body secretions such as saliva, semen and vaginal secretions.

8) Since there is no specific treatment, prevention has been the major aim in managing viral hepatitis B. Hepatitis B vaccine can be administered to all children and adolescents aged less than 18 years. Hepatitis B immunoglobulin (HBIG) given to the person who is accidentally inoculated like surgeons, nurses etc for immediate protection. All blood donors should be screened for HBV infection and those positive for Australian Antigen should be rejected. Carrier should not share their belongings such as razors, tooth brushes with others.

9) An estimated 95% people with hepatitis are unaware of their infection. It is undoubtedly due to lack of awareness and lack of testing services in countries.

10) On this World Hepatitis day the motto is 

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