Modern Gods vs ancient Gods

Jai shri RAM!
Hare Krishna!
Jai Mata di!
lord Jesus!
Jai Jinendra!
Buddham sharanam gachami!
We all in our day to day lives hear these lines. It represent our beliefs but,have you ever noticed any commonness in the lines that I wrote above with exclamation marks? First common thing is the fact that here we are praising a God who has some identity. Second common thing is that these lines represents religion to which we belong. These are our modern gods. Have you ever thought how ancient God who actually were Gods of different qualities are now become God with all qualities? Well even I don't know. When we closely studies ancient Gods of every religion, we will find people used to worship natural energies. Like in Vedas we have 'vayu deva', God of wind, in same line we have Shu, in ancient Egyptian mythology. Indra and Zeus as Gods of sky in Hindu and Greek beliefs. Ancient people worship nature in the form of God. The one who fulfils their demands was considered as Lord. Nature with its uninterrupted cycles provided natural gifts like rains ,sunlight , wind to the people. But as the geography of planet started distorting due to overuse of these gifts, nature Gods became furious. Now we have another clan of Gods like rudra in Vedas who was considered to be God of devastation. People now had representatives who could talk to the Gods. These people were called as Kings and queens. Now they became important. When famous epics of Ramayana and Mahabharata were written, the God became individuals. Then came Buddha,Mahavira, Jesus and now we have Sai Baba. This tells how the evolution of Gods took place. It's not bad to have a God with an identity. But as a evolved human being we must not dig ourselves into the world of newly created self proclaimed Babas and Gods. We already have enough Gods.🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

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