Up Above The World So Known

Aliens are not fiction anymore. Since scientists like Hawking also in a hunt to communicate with aliens of distant galaxy, it will not be amazing to have a cup of tea with extraterrestrial beings in near future. But what if they are more technologically advanced than us? "It would be too risky to make contact with alien races" once said by Stephen hawking. Then why he wants to communicate with them now? Why scientists searching alien lives when they know it may lead to destruction of human race.? Or the one who control their heads , their government and organizations, have some selfish motives behind it? How badly i need invisibility cloak of Harry Potter to find answers of all these questions :(  what if we were alien too? I mean we can be alien too. Million years ago when earth was not habitable to humans ,when other species lived on earth (Jurassic park villains), first human race ( adam-eve or aryans) came to earth when earth became habitable. May be what we are searching in outer universe are none other than is our lost race. What if these scientists know about this.? And may be due to progressive climate change earth will not be able to sustain biosphere in near future and these scientists being selective( as seen in movie 2012), want to go to the planet where other human lives. They will leave this world(earth) ,of course to live on other planet, once they build repo with alien world. So as for now mango people stand no chance. But even if earth gets doomed , humanity will survive. May be not on earth,but somewhere else.

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