We are advised by the doctors that 30 mins of exercise is essential for maintaining good health. But according to recent studies if we exercise too hard, we may be more likely to get flu and cold. A team of scientist in Loughborough University says that brisk walking daily can improve your immunity. But prolonged strenuous activities like running, which needs more energy expenditure may lead to upper respiratory infections including colds, sinusitis & other flu like symptoms.
To maintain good functioning of a machine one need to update the machine over the time. In similar way, our immune system also need a software update for proper functioning of body. Body also gets bored with same kind of work out. So we should try to do different exercises on different day. Like on Monday we can do strenuous activities , in middle of the week we can do exercises which contain simple PT exercises or Yoga. On Sundays we can do only Meditation.
It's always essential to perform different activities. But we prefer to stick to only on same kind of exercise. That makes us easily bored.
Exercise adds quality in life. Remember if we had a pill that contained all benefits of physical activities, it would be the most prescribed drug in the world.